Ce blog est l'expression critique sous un angle ludique de différentes thématiques généralistes. Il offre de nombreux modules sur les réseaux sociaux, la stratégie digitales et autres sujets divers.
Yahoo's CEO thanks “"I am very sad to tell you that I've just been fired over the phone by Yahoo's Chairman of the Board. It has been my pleasure to work with all of you and I wish you only the ...
A prototype Iphone 5 lost in a bar in San Francisco Same pattern as for Apple: a prototype of the future five Iphone was forgotten in a tequila bar in San Francisco last July, according to the ...
Wikileaks accused of putting people at risk The site specializes in the revelations Wikileaks publiél Friday septembrel 2 251 287 the entire U.S. diplomatic telegrams in his possession, ...
Conférence sur les Réseaux Sociaux: En cette rentrée, nous vous invitons à notre prochaine soirée-débat sur le thème : « Comment développer sa carrière grâce aux réseaux ? » Meilleures pratiques ...
Soon a music service on Facebook? Facebook plans to partner with online music services RDIO, MOG Spotify and to serve as a platform to these tools, according to the blog specializes in social ...
Renault plans to revive the brand upmarket Alpine After Citroën DS and its series, the manufacturer Renault could boost its offer premium reviving the famous brand of Alpine sports cars, said its ...
One in two adults use social networks in the U.S. Facebook, MySpace or Linked In is used by 50% of Americans over 18 years, according to a study by the Pew Research Center published Friday, August ...
The group of social networks for businesses Jive seeks to go public Jive, American group whose platform includes social networking companies for their internal and external communications, ...
Tumblr valued $ 800 million Tumblr microblogging site is about to complete a fundraising 75 to $ 100 million from investors, which would value the 800 million dollars (555 million euros), ...
Google balance of prosecution by U.S. authorities for $ 500 million Google agreed to pay $ 500 million to settle legal action by U.S. authorities related to a case of advertising illegal online ...
Apple without Steve Jobs Steve Jobs announced Wednesday, August 24 he left his position as president of Apple, "unable to meet the requirements of this position." In his resignation letter, he ...
Miramax films to rent on Facebook American studios Miramax launched Monday, 22 August a Facebook application that will rent movies on the social network. The first version of the application ...
The Egyptians were the first Facebook users in the Arab world Egypt has the largest number of users of social network Facebook in the Arab world, according to a recent study by the Institute of ...
A German state bans "I Like" of Facebook The authorities of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, were deemed illegal the blue button that allows Facebook users to say "I Like" to their favorite Web pages, ...
Give the third version of the Ipad for next Christmas The U.S. company Apple hopes to market the third version of the Ipad end of 2011, according to the Wall Street Journal. The first tests are ...
Interpublic sells half its stake in Facebook The U.S. communications group Interpublic, which owns about 0.4% of Facebook since 2006, said it had sold half its stake in the social network to a ...
Kristell Schuber, marketing director of Google France Kristell Schuber, 37, previously director of marketing strategy world of Paypal, has been appointed marketing director of Google France. In ...
Twitter could rely on trade to make money The microblogging site Twitter is exploring the possibility of making money by offering business operations in addition to advertising, its only current ...
Google bought the domain name to head g.co sites Google has to acquire the domain name g.co, designed to shorten the Internet addresses of all its products. The U.S. group has not indicated how ...
A two employees remain connected to the beach More than a French person in two (56%) says it will remain connected to work during their holidays, according to a survey conducted by the social ...
Linked In is the second most visited social network in the U.S. The professional social network Linked In June has risen to second place in the sector in the U.S. behind Facebook, but at My Space, ...
More than 10 million users to Google + The CEO of Google Larry Page announced Thursday, July 14 that its service + Google had over 10 million users, 16 days after the launch in experimental mode ...
Réseaux sociaux : utiles ou futiles ? Publié le 08 juillet 2011 par Vedacom Ce soir avait lieu la Table-ronde « Des regards et des hommes » La Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de l’Essonne et le ...
One in three supports the evaluation of its "influence" Some 61% of executives interviewed by the FIFG in the course of an investigation on the evaluation of their skills that they believe could ...
Cybercrime is soaring in Germany The financial damage caused by cyber crime in 2010 increased 66% in Germany, to 61.5 million euros, according to German criminal police. The number of cases ...
Facebook: you signed with the Devil Despite the ban, nearly 20% of 8-12 year olds have a Facebook account A study by TNS Sofres, 18% of children aged 8 to 12 have a Facebook account so that t ...
Barack Obama answers questions from Americans on Twitter The President of the United States Barack Obama meets next week to questions posed by his countrymen on the economy and employment through ...
Google + wants to do better than Facebook Google has just introduced its new social network, Google +, which states address some criticisms against the industry giant Facebook. Still in test ...
Monster is launching a professional social network in Facebook Rather than create yet another social network site use Monster launches an application on Facebook, called Be Known, which ...
MPs publish a report to the defense of individual rights on the Internet Members have expressed fifty-four guidance on "the protection of individual rights in the digital revolution," in a report ...
GINGER CEBTP participe à la réalisation d’une étude sur la fiabilité et la durée de vie des modules photovoltaïques GINGER CEBTP et le laboratoire LASQUO de l’Université d’Angers ont réalisé une ...
The profiles of minors on social networking sites are too exposed, in Brussels. Most social networking sites do not adequately protect miners, whose personal information is sometimes broadcast ...
Foursquare has surpassed 10 million registered The service location-based applications Foursquare announced that over 10 million members, two years after its launch. The site, which is used to ...
Ce blog est l'expression critique sous un angle ludique de différentes thématiques généralistes. Il partage une vision politique démocratique et offre de nombreux modules sur les marchés ...
Sauver des vies Grand nombre d’entre nous sont impliqués dans des œuvres caritatives ou font du bénévolat. Notre collègue allemand Thomas Reiter a toutefois porté sa contribution à un tout autre ...
Grontmij assigned by city of Szczecin (Poland) for large waste management project (21/06/11 11:08 CET) Grontmij in Poland will on request of the City of Szczecin deliver Technical Assistance and ...
Mature, Facebook is losing subscribers in its first countries The first social network in the world has lost 6 million members in the United States and 1.5 million in Canada, according to the ...
Facebook is expected to become champion banner ads in the U.S. The community site Facebook is becoming the champion this year banner ads in the U.S., taking precedence over the portal Yahoo, which ...
CV Digital:
Consultant en Réseaux Sociaux d'Entreprise
Octobre 2009 à Janvier 2010: rédaction d'un ouvrage sur 'Les Réseaux Sociaux en ligne sur Internet' aux éditions Alphée distribué au premier