Ce blog est l'expression critique sous un angle ludique de différentes thématiques généralistes. Il offre de nombreux modules sur les réseaux sociaux, la stratégie digitales et autres sujets divers.
Jacques-Antoine Granjon primé Innovateur 2011 par le jury du Prix des Technologies Numériques Paris, le 29/04/2011 Jacques-Antoine Granjon a reçu le Prix de l’Innovateur 2011, ce jeudi 28 avril, ...
37% of mobile phone users connect to the Internet Some 16.1 million people are connected to the Internet via their mobile phone in the last month, according to Net Ratings study conducted ...
Happiness is in the thrush! May 1st, people offered a nice little bit of thrush. It is this delicate flower-shaped white bells that smells of spring. It seems that it's a lucky supposed to bring ...
Gilles Babinet elected president of the National Council of Digital Nicolas Sarkozy gave the kickoff, Wednesday, April 27, National Council of digital (Conseil National du Numérique), a ...
A barometer Sector online reputation on the Echo marks "Echo des Marques" Performics, interactive media agency group VivaKi (Publicis Groupe), in partnership with Synthesio, a company specializing ...
Facebook and Google threaten individual freedom of Europeans as the President of the CNIL Privacy is at Risk in Europe, according to the book published Thursday, April 6 Alex Türk, President of ...
Barack Obama goes on the attack of social networks by 2012 Barack Obama began his campaign for president in 2012 on social networks. Thus, the slogan "Are You In?"("Do you answer this?") was ...
Facebook Acquires Mobile Applications Specialist Snaptu The social network Facebook has acquired Israeli society Snaptu specializing in mobile applications adaptable to any type of phone. The deal ...
The "real" attendance figures of social networks in France, according to Nielsen-Free Electron: The Nielsen measurement institute gave its verdict on the attendance of social networks by the ...
Nous avons le plaisir de vous convier jeudi 7 avril à l’EBS à une conférence-débat sur le thème SPORT, MEDIAS ET RESEAUX SOCIAUX Cliquer ici pour télécharger l’invitation : ...
Are you ready for IPO ? The social networking trend pro has doubled its revenues in 2010, reaching $ 243 million against 120 the previous year, and a profit of 15.4 million, while 2009 had ...
Circles, the (new) Google's social networking Google must be present on social networks, and could well make me forget his Google launching at its developer conference in May a new avatar called ...
L'Immobilier plus lourdement taxés en France Un logement réduit est souvent loué plus de 500 euros par mois en région parisienne. Pour lutter contre ces extravagances, le secrétaire d'Etat au ...
The French feel "overwhelmed" by the information The weekly L'Express published in partnership with Iligo specializing in the study of behavior, a consumer survey of the French media. Every day, ...
The Google TV not programmed in Europe "Google Voice is the end of the year or early 2012, " said Google CEO France, Jean-Marc Tassetto. The service will go free phone calls over the Internet and ...
The INPI says its editorial content to Tagaro DDB The National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) has selected DDB Tagaro for the design and production of its editorial content online and ...
November wins three new accounts The integrated communications agency in November was chosen, after competition, to orchestrate the media speaking out annual Orangina, through a digital device ...
The daily 20 Minutes aired a million copies, March 16 The title 20 Minutes will cover 32 cities, against 12 previously, with 1 million copies to be distributed from 16 March. "20 Minutes should ...
Prévisions : chute de la Pierre ! Les niveaux de prix de l’immobilier sont situés aujourd’hui environ 5% au-dessus des plus hauts jamais connus de 2007. Ces prix sont complètement déconnectés de ...
Launch Carenity, medical social network The new platform Carenity, specializing in medical assistance, proposes to connect diverse communities of patients. The beta itself as "the first social ...
Facebook: ideal for prostitution? Sudhir Venkatesh, a professor at Columbia University, examined the use of Facebook by New Yorkers prostitutes. It is clear that the famous social network has ...
Eyes social experiment videoconferencing on Facebook The start-up American Social Eyes has developed an application for holding video conferences with two or more on the Facebook network. "Social ...
BING copy the giant google It is good to be a tiny challenger's biggest and promising market of the Internet. We may grant a scrupulous care to respect the privacy of Internet users, be the ...
90% of households subscribing to Internet are broadband Some 64% of households reported having Internet access at home in 2010, against 56% in 2008, according to Insee. They were 12% a decade. ...
Google buys Zynamics The Internet giant comes to labor for an undisclosed sum, the experts in securing countdown software. The various products of the editor make it possible to dissect the ...
JP Morgan already owns 10% of Twitter The rumor that the U.S. bank is preparing to buy 10% of micro blogging site is not good. Finally, it is especially dated. According to our colleague, JP ...
http://goo.gl/wfX9b Lundi 7 mars 2011Le veille de la journée de la Femme, le réseau Ladies Only ! organise son premier rendez-vous « Femmes Golf Business » à proximité immédiate de Paris, sur le ...
CNN awarded to London for his use of Twitter during the football World Cup CNN has been awarded an "innovation" by the British Royal Television Society (RTS) at a ceremony in London. This award ...
Google expands and moves to Paris Google has found its new premises in Paris scheduled for late 2011. Street located in London, they will accommodate a staff of five hundred employees, according ...
More than half of U.S. Internet users are on Facebook More than half of U.S. Internet users regularly connect on Facebook, or 132.5 million people, according to a study published by eMarketer, ...
The French always more connected on blogs and social networks Écouter Lire phonétiquement In January, 71.6% of the French population was connected to the Internet, an increase of 9% compared to ...
Fullsix "socializes" the site of Club Med Fullsix has "socialized" the French site of Club Med, whose new version was launched in March 2010, incorporating new features of social marketing pages ...
Dailymotion broadcasts 26 international news channel Écouter Lire phonétiquement The video sharing site, Dailymotion, broadcasts live twenty-six international news channels continuously. This, ...
The pecking french policies on Twitter The political passions unleashed on Twitter, according to the first barometer Twittoscope (TF1 News, Metro, TNS). In January, 170,000 tweets have mentioned ...
The curve of happiness falling on Facebook Écouter Lire phonétiquement Facebook is less and less happy subscribers, according to a Canadian study conducted from November to January and published ...
CV Digital:
Consultant en Réseaux Sociaux d'Entreprise
Octobre 2009 à Janvier 2010: rédaction d'un ouvrage sur 'Les Réseaux Sociaux en ligne sur Internet' aux éditions Alphée distribué au premier