Ce blog est l'expression critique sous un angle ludique de différentes thématiques généralistes. Il offre de nombreux modules sur les réseaux sociaux, la stratégie digitales et autres sujets divers.
Google opens + adolescents from 13 years Google lowers from 18 to 13 the minimum age required to enroll in its version of Google + community site, matching the practice of his great rival ...
Google revises its privacy policy?!? . Google will review the terms and conditions of service and privacy policy, designed to provide research and more personalized advertisements. Internet users ...
Digital revolution and public health schools: After three months of debate, the new Minister of Education generalizes the Iphone in the next school year in September 2014. Aspects more than the ...
A social network from 3 years with the youth Tfou.fr site! . Tfou.fr changes and develops community functions, which will be "everywhere" on the site, according to Shawn Malhoney responsible for ...
Advertising on Internet: this is a historic turning point! INTERNET: Online advertising prances in front and in 2012 will exceed advertising in the press in the United States. This is a historic ...
Investissez dans l’avenir de nos élèves et devenez partenaire de leur école ! L’EBS est une école Européenne de Management International post-bac reconnue par l’Etat, elle délivre un diplôme visé ...
Almost 29 million viewers in October 2011 In October 2011 in France, Médiamétrie has identified nearly 29 million viewers unique, that is to say of "Customers who watched at least one video on ...
An employee convicted of insulting his boss on Facebook The employee call center Webhelp in Caen, who wrote "shit head" on the Facebook page CGT-FAPT his employer, was convicted of public insult, ...
Google will integrate personal data to results Google will integrate personal data with the results of research conducted by Internet, a service called "Search more your world." The search engine ...
E-Reputation of Friday the 13th: A figure all times cursed . The evil powers granted to Friday 13 are very old and date back to antiquity. At that time the number 12 was the law because there were ...
The media brands followed by one third of the French on Facebook After public figures, it is the media that matter the most fans on Facebook in France, according to a Harris Interactive survey. ...
Devenez sponsor au même titre que l'EBS, dans des conditions très avantageuses de « LA SOLIDAIRE DU CHOCOLAT », pour soutenir Mathieu Vally, le plus jeune du monde inscrit pour cette course du ...
SO.CL SO.CL: Invité par le géant de Richmond en Virginie à découvrir le nouveau réseau social du Groupe Microsoft nommé SO.CL, je vous confirme l'évolution splendide, la pertinence et la richesse ...
Microsoft launches new social network What is So.cl? So.cl (pronounced "social") is an experimental research project, developed by Microsoft’s FUSE Labs, focused on exploring the possibilities of ...
MICROSOFT a lancé son nouveau réseau social encore fermé pour le moment. Pour ceux qui souhaitent toutefois le rejoindre, il est géré par FUSE Labs Research joignable sur l'adresse mail suivante: ...
My next conference at the EBG (members only) will focus on the integration of social networks in the information system to implement a BI approach. The EBG is equipped with an international board ...
CV Digital:
Consultant en Réseaux Sociaux d'Entreprise
Octobre 2009 à Janvier 2010: rédaction d'un ouvrage sur 'Les Réseaux Sociaux en ligne sur Internet' aux éditions Alphée distribué au premier