Ce blog est l'expression critique sous un angle ludique de différentes thématiques généralistes. Il offre de nombreux modules sur les réseaux sociaux, la stratégie digitales et autres sujets divers.
Media Alert - Paris, November 30, 2011 Ginger, Engineering Group Europe, whose mission is to develop and improve the quality of life of citizens, wants to make Paris the symbol of 21st century ...
Alerte média - Paris, le 30 novembre 2011 GINGER, Groupe Ingénierie Europe, dont la mission est de concevoir et d’améliorer le cadre de vie des citoyens, souhaite faire de Paris le symbole du ...
Mobile Internet soon in the Paris subway RATP will launch a bid to help 5 million daily users of the Paris metro to benefit from efficient access to the Internet via 3G, according to the November ...
facebook expected return on the stock exchangebefore ChristmasAfter the successful IPO of its competitor, the Chinese giant Renren, that of Groupon whose price has soared, and that of LINKEDIN ...
Jean-Luc Schnoebelen, fondateur du Groupe GINGER est nommé Directeur Général du Groupe Grontmij Grontmij annonce ses prochaines nominations De Bilt, le 28 novembre 2011 : Grontmij N.V. annonce que ...
Le vice-président socialiste chargé des finances, Jean-Louis Joseph, explique dans le journal La Provence du 22 novembre : "La Région a une bonne gestion. Nous sommes d’ailleurs classés AA par les ...
Facebook and HTC prepare a new smartphone to follow you and stay connected all the time Facebook and the Taiwanese manufacturer HTC are working on a mobile phone suited to the social web, ...
The money will flow freely through Paypal on Facebook The online payment service Paypal Ebay belonging to the group launched this weekend in the United States, the application "Send Money", which ...
Twitter has launched two new features that night with two new tabs. By clicking on the "@ username", the user can see if its own tweets are marked as favorites, or retweeted messages sent to it ...
Independent firms could monitor privacy on Facebook Facebook has signed an agreement with U.S. authorities stating that its policy of confidentiality of personal data is controlled via independent ...
Salaries for marketing professionals fly Marketing professionals saw their salary increase of 4.2% this year against 3.1% in 2010 according to the study "Salaries" of Maesina International Search, ...
European Business School (EBS Paris) Venez rencontrer les équipes de l'European Business School au salon des masters/MBA. L’EBS Paris sera présente au Salon des grandes écoles organisé par Le ...
Wikipedia has money problems to continue in France Wikimedia France launches Monday, November 14, as each fall, a fundraiser to finance projects of Wikipedia. The association which manages the ...
The Guardian opened his writing to Internet The Guardian newspaper now publishes on its website a "newslist" where you can view the items being created and contact journalists via Twitter for ...
GINGER-Grontmij vous attend au salon du SIMI, Salon de l'Immobilier d'Entreprise du 30 novembre au 2 décembre 2011 au Palais des congrès Porte Maillot à Paris. Nous serions ravis de vous y ...
Many users soon in India and the United States Some 112 million Indians have Internet access, or 8% of the 1.2 billion people who peupleent the subcontinent, according to a study from the ...
China and the stock market are not a priority for Facebook Facebook is in no hurry to set up in China, according to its CEO interviewed by the American channel PBS. Mark Zuckerberg believes that ...
Heinz is testing a new product on Facebook U.S. food group Heinz leads in the United States a test operation through his Facebook page only. The approximately 825,000 fans can purchase the brand ...
An agreement has been signed between Yahoo, Microsoft and AOL to counter Google and Facebook on the Internet Yahoo, AOL and Microsoft have formed an alliance for broadcast and online advertising ...
Grontmij announces that its Supervisory Board will nominate Mrs. A.G. (Annemieke) Nijhof for appointment as member of the Executive Board of Grontmij N.V. at an Extraordinary General Meeting of ...
Ten times more data traffic on mobile in five years Data traffic on mobile devices should be increased tenfold in five years and tripled for the year 2011 alone, according to a study of the ...
Google+ opens brands and celebrities Google+ now offers businesses and celebrities have, like on Facebook, their own public page on the community service of Google. L'Oréal, Orange, Piaget and ...
Formation aux Réseaux Sociaux pour l'entreprise http://www.ginger-formation.fr/stage_M132_1_2012.html Prochaine formations les 25 janvier et 17 octobre 2012 PROGRAMME • Les réseaux pour les ...
GOOGLE : La nouvelle arme Web est en ligne Si vous faîtes partie de ceux qui ne mettez pas à jour votre site Web d'entreprise, vous pourriez tout simplement disparaître de la toile! . Vous devriez ...
La société e-Coyote a favorablement répondu à mon article ci-dessous, prenant bien soin de prendre en compte le problème et d'y apporter des solutions constructives comme le précise également le ...
Groupon between the stock market and earns 50% The action of the U.S. site Groupon gained 49.75% during the first exchange in the New York Stock Exchange on November 4. At 2:50 p.m. (GMT), the ...
The preaching of Catholic priests Religion: Catholic priests are preaching more and more 'colorless, odorless and tasteless, "said the head of the Vatican's culture through a series of conferences ...
300 408 publications affichées sur cette page officielle de l'EBS Paris en un mois, soit + 52%. La page a été crée cet été 2011. Pour information, "Publications affichées" selon facebook ...
Transparency News launches sheets on journalists ! http://www.newstransparency.com/browse The website participatory Transparency News provides information on the careers of hundreds of ...
Vous avez le goût de l’entrepreneuriat mais pas d’idée de création d’entreprise ? Vous êtes ouvert à la reprise d’entreprises et au créinvestissement (association aux côtés du dirigeant). ...
Google expands its mails, its "maps" and its library Gmail users can opt for a new interface since Nov. 2. E-mail is intended to clearer, more intuitive and offers new customization options, ...
Green Business: un flop ou une réalité ? Conférence débat en libre accès Le Groupe GINGER a le plaisir de vous convier, pour la troisième année consécutive, à une conférence-débat le mercredi 30 ...
Syria has obtained the U.S. software to control Internet The U.S. company Blue Coat Systems, specializing in how Internet censorship, has confirmed that Syria was using its products to block ...
CV Digital:
Consultant en Réseaux Sociaux d'Entreprise
Octobre 2009 à Janvier 2010: rédaction d'un ouvrage sur 'Les Réseaux Sociaux en ligne sur Internet' aux éditions Alphée distribué au premier