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Facebook modifie la visibilité

des publications

pour "privilégier l'engagement"


Facebook vient de modifier l'algorithme qui détermine la visibilité des publications postées par les utilisateurs du réseau social, expliquant vouloir valorise

r la notion d'engagement par opposition à la course aux fans. Désormais, plus une publication est engageante (fort nombre de clics, de "j'aime", de commentaires ou de partages), plus elle est susceptible d'apparaître dans le fil d'actualité. Concernant les pages de marques, d'entreprises ou de médias, la publication sera concentrée sur les fans les plus engagés. Jusqu'à présent, une publication était vue en moyenne par 16% des abonnés d'une page. Ce pourcentage pourrait être bien supérieur, selon Facebook, si la notion d'engagement est valorisée et mieux ciblée. Mais si ce n'est pas le cas, le chiffre pourra aussi être inférieur avec ce nouvel algorithme.

Source: Le 13h de la com


Rejoignez mon propre carnet d'adresse sur Viadéo

pour fortifier le vôtre et profiter de 300 000 contacts


Le cabinet ReaClic SAS

organise une journée d'Atelier

pour les entreprises sur le marketing de réseaux

par l’utilisation des Réseaux Sociaux Professionnels


Durée de l'atelier: une journée

Date: le vendredi 26 octobre 2012 de 09h00 à 17h30

Lieu : 68 bis Boulevard Péreire 75017 Paris

Animateur: Louis-Serge Real del Sarte

Prix : 500 € HT

Places volontairement limitées à 12 participants

Information: ReaClic SAS est organisme de Formation.

Numéro de déclaration d'activité 11921892992

Inscription préalable obligatoire avant le 15 octobre 2012

Renseignements au 06 09 82 10 42 ou [email protected]




• Découvrir les espaces utiles pour sa visibilité, améliorer son référencement naturel, créer un réseau durable, appréhender les mécaniques de ce média.

• Etablir une véritable stratégie Digitale pour prospecter, échanger et communiquer pour mieux valoriser sa structure.





• Managers en prospection commerciale, utilisateurs ou futurs utilisateurs des réseaux.

• Responsables du marketing, de la communication et des systèmes d’information dans les entreprises.

• Directions générales et services juridiques des entreprises, DRH.




Les réseaux pour les community managers

• Historique des réseaux sociaux.

• Les réseaux sociaux où il convient d’être présent.


e-Réputation : Surveiller sa réputation sur le web

• Défendre sa réputation.

• Les outils d’alerte Google.

• Surveiller son patronyme, son entreprise, ses concurrents.

• Comment un salarié devient l’ambassadeur de son entreprise.

• Les réseaux sociaux verticaux pour les entreprises.


Gestion de crise :

• Les ‘bad buzz’ et le ‘streisand effect


Notions juridiques Etats-Unis/Europe


Communiquer par le social média

• L’interconnexion des réseaux sociaux.

• Communiquer avec un raccourci de l’URL.

• Se rendre visible avec le digital.

• Le network behaviour.

• L’avènement de la vidéo.

• Communiquer par les réseaux sociaux


Construire son réseau de l’entreprise

• Mise en place élémentaire, premiers réflexes.

• Bâtir son réseau avec efficacité.

• Grandir son réseau et l’image de l’entreprise.


Le marketing réseau

• Les espaces d’échanges, la Cybercarte, le CV Digital, le network behaviour


Les nouveaux métiers du social média à l’extérieur

• Traiter l’e-réputation en outsourcing.

• Le community management d’une agence de communication digitale.

• L’utilisation des réseaux par les différents métiers interne à l’entreprise.


Prévention et risques

• Limites récentes de Viadeo, Plaxo, internations, XING, Twitter et Linked in.

• Les spams classiques propres aux réseaux sociaux.

• Attaque en e-réputation par des systèmes.


Charte des réseaux sociaux interne

• Les éléments clés à intégrer pour protéger l’entreprise.

• Comment faire adopter cette charte par les salariés.



• Résumé des dix actions clés à mettre en place pour un marketing de réseau efficace.




you pay or you break?

from the french page "Mycommunitymanager"



"When I read the intervention of the Chief Operating Officer of the Facebook social network, I have some serious questions. And there's something to it: "Facebook is looking for new revenue sources, explore the possibility of offering more upscale services and pay, especially for businesses."

And yes, Facebook is a real unit producing goods and services for commercial profit. A few months after the IPO and the fall of the sensational action is clearly racing turnover: revision of applications, launch new paid services (coupons, promotional publications, etc.). Many facts which demonstrate that the direction of Facebook is no longer a legal obligation: to make money to satisfy its shareholders.


Earn money? But at what price?


The social network is a capital intensive business. They need a business model "profitable" to sustain their activities.


Their new services offer real opportunities to businesses and community managers to develop and maintain their communities. While these services are not free but "when one loves his fans, it does not matter" ...


However, I am convinced that there's a "catch". There is always a "catch"!


I have the chance to manage a dozen pages on the social network business Mark and today I have a confession to make: "Mark is no longer my friend."


Mark is no longer my friend for more than half of the users who "like" pages that I administer no longer see my publications ... Mark is not stupid. He knows he is no longer my friend. I know because he decided to make me pay a high price to be heard by my community.


But Mark does not know everything. He does not know for example that 90% of my clients do not have € 400 per week to spend on promotions and publications in recruiting fans. I finish this paragraph and I already poses a question (stupid):


"Is that Mark knows that millions of businesses have Facebook pages that do not take off? '


Of course! Welcome to the area "Mark 2. €" :)

"If you have 400 galleys for fans, this is normal. Only 20% of your fans are your publications? This is normal. With "Mark 2. €" you shit all your friends to "like" your page, you advertising expenses € 400 for 400 fans and when you have them, you pay 10, 20, 50, 100, 2000 euros to talk to them. With "Mark 2. €" you headphones or you break. '


Imagine full appointment with the conservator opposite: "No, I assure you sir ... If we spend a third of your monthly income on advertising on Facebook 500 Fans soon we will launch your page.

Then you stop eating for savings. With these, you'll be able to publish your offers on the day of property by clicking on "Promote". All your fans will see the publication, this is great!! Well, yes, it is true, it costs money for each publication ... But sir, these are hundreds (thousands) of euro against the love of your fans? There is no equivalent, you can be sure.


Joking. How can a small company, which has no chance of having creative as you can take off a Facebook page without financial means?


I explained the deal:


- You create your box and you know the potential of a whopping page then you run.

- The page is created, you invite all your friends! After an hour, you're on page 40 and then you say "great, at this rate, we'll be 400 tomorrow."

- 10 days later, you're not on page 100. You say that "What happens, # WTF? ". Do not worry, this is normal.


3 options for you:

• Do you believe in any god you pray (be careful it does not work every time) I do not dwell on ...

• You do not have any money (this is normal) but you still call the best of the community managers (but you have no money), but less friendly to find a "pigeon" or dedicated passionate, you're unlikely to make it work.

• You buy Facebook advertising because Mark 2. € thinks of everything: it gave you a good "30 €" to test the system. You only option that


- You start in the creation of Facebook advertising. Do you really only € 30 you can get your first 400 fans? Yes? Do not worry, this is normal. 2 days later, you come to understand why Mark has asked for your credit card upon confirmation of your advertising. That too is normal.


- You won 45 fans, you are now almost 150 on your page! Waouhhh, it is progressing well.


Before going to bed, a friend informs you of the existence of My Community Manager. You'll have a look and there is the complete upheaval: a collaborative blog that gives you lots of ideas and informs you of all the possibilities of Facebook. I know, you say, "well then, option 1 worked." You are bleuffé (that's really normal however).


You come across an article that informs you with a button to "promote" for a few euros, all your fans and some of their friends will see your posts. This is the complete euphoria! But yes. There is a but. To use the "promote" it takes 400 fans minimum. Once you fall to your cloud, fall out of your chair and do not believe anymore.


Meanwhile, in Mark 2. €, we rub our hands. Mark is not stupid and this is the reason I think the leaves:

In this case, without creative (CM) or financial means, you just only two solutions:

• mess with your friends by inviting them every day like your page;

• Buy more and more Facebook advertising.


Option 1 works. But you do not have an unlimited number of friends ... We therefore choose option 2: advertising.


And it is left for a tour of 50 € for 50 € ... you're happy, you have to invest half of your salary to acquire 400 additional fans. But the main thing is this: you have not diou fans! # Champagne


You guessed it, it's too much, now you can talk to over 500 people. And it is especially here that you discover why Mark is smart.


You publish great information, promotions, etc.. and you do a hard fact: "Why, about 500 fans, only 125 have seen my last publication? "It is not easy to swallow, and that's normal.


Yes, you have to spend a lot of money to acquire your fans. Yes, you did not know (yet) that less than 30% of them find their publication in your timeline. And there is the drama. You have more money for advertising. You are this small company that wants to develop its reputation and expand his business. You are what we call in Mark 2. € Company: A Small.


A small because today, it is inconceivable for more than 90% of French companies to develop a Facebook page without advertising budget. Of course, there's a solution to every problem and there are other social platforms ... But let's be realistic for a moment: which of you can explain to a TPE for developing on Facebook, you need a budget of 100 , 200, 1000 and € 10 000 per month? Personally, I do not believe for a second (and I think not the only one).


While companies, you pay or you break?


Let us know your feedback in comments, will you allocate (or expand) your budget facebook or do you plan an exit door on other social media? Have you, too, a significant drop your "reach" on the pages you manage?


Débat TV : «Digital, Social, CRM, les stars des stratégies d'acquisition»


Quelles stratégies les marques Bourjois, Disneyland Paris, Vis-ma-ville.com et Look Voyages adoptent-elles pour convertir l'internaute en acheteur et compenser la hausse des coûts d'acquisition? Comment les réseaux sociaux, l'expérience client, le «brand content» sont-ils devenus de véritables accélérateurs de conversion? Quelle place occupe le CRM et le comportemental? Comment créer des synergies efficaces «cross-canal» et mesurer l'impact de chaque canal sur les ventes? Ce débat, organisé par MC Factory en partenariat avec Stratégies, Adobe et Emarsys, réunit Magali Berrux (Bourjois), Amélie Bourgeois-Dagues (Disneyland Paris), Jérôme Fiancette (Vis-ma-ville.com) et Thibault de Saint-Martin (Look Voyages).



  • ReaClic
  • Community Manager
  • Homme
  • 07/05/1962
  • réseaux sociaux network networker branding réseaux sociaux professionnels
  • CV Digital: http://www.louis-serge-real-del-sarte.com/ Consultant en Réseaux Sociaux d'Entreprise Octobre 2009 à Janvier 2010: rédaction d'un ouvrage sur 'Les Réseaux Sociaux en ligne sur Internet' aux éditions Alphée distribué au premier


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