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CHEZ ReaClic



ReaClic est un cabinet digital spécialisé en « Social Network Strategy ».

Son cœur de métier réside dans la connaissance parfaite des Réseaux Sociaux et Professionnels mise au service de l’entreprise.

La mission :

Elle consiste à appuyer et enrichir nos dispositifs de communication et de construction de communauté au sein des médias sociaux. Sous la conduite d'un Community Manager, vous vous impliquez au sein des blogs, forums, sites d’avis de consommateurs et réseaux sociaux pour participer aux échanges que nous menons pour nos clients.

En étroite collaboration avec le Community Manager du cabinet, vous aurez à :


 Participer aux brainstormings en vue d’élaborer des recommandations et plans d’actions.

 Veiller sur les différents espaces media définis en amont et produire les synthèses de suivi.

 Participer à la création d’espaces d’expression dédiés (Twitter, Blog, Facebook, Viadeo, Linkedin, Google +, Xing…).

 Rédiger et publier les contenus relatifs aux sphères d’activités de nos clients et du cabinet.

 Ecouter et alimenter les conversations, créer des liens et développer la proximité pour le compte des clients.

 Vous serez impliqué directement dans les réunions de création conceptuelle et de développement commercial.


Le profil recherché :

 Connaisseur et pratiquant quotidien des médias sociaux, vous êtes doté d’une bonne culture du web social.

Animé d’un réel esprit d’ouverture et de service, vous êtes capable d’assister activement notre responsable de communautés de marques et d’incarner les valeurs de nos clients : ouverture, service, proximité, professionnalisme.

Vous avez une bonne capacité rédactionnelle (à l’orthographe et à la grammaire irréprochables) et êtes à l’aise avec les divers outils de partage, de publication, de tags. Doté d’une bonne capacité de travail et animé par la volonté de dépasser les objectifs, vous êtes prêt à rejoindre une équipe de passionnés au sein d’une véritable start-up.


Informations :

Le poste est basé à Boulogne-Billancourt.

La durée souhaitée entre 5 et 6 mois.

Date de démarrage souhaitée : juillet (pas d’activité pour l’entreprise en août)

Les candidat(e)s devront justifier d’une convention de stage.

Si vous pensez répondre aux exigences du poste,

merci d’envoyer votre candidature à [email protected]






In our series of interviews

of Community Managers,


We are pleased to welcome Louis Serge Real del Sarte agency co-founder of online reputation ReaClic, Head of Communications and Web Management Community of European Business School and also Head the community management group Grontmij-Ginger.


1 - Is this you can introduce yourself and tell us about your professional background and what attracted you in the Community Management?


I am passionate about traditional social networks (as defined in traditional networking) for a long time: I was a member of the Round Table French, the French Institute of International Relations, of the Institut Montaigne, Vice-President of the Club HEC finance, co-founder of European Circle of Gentlemen Riders Club, the Stanford Business Club of Harvard Business School Club, College of Polytechnic Hi Team ... and about fifty other circles and clubs ...

With the explosion of Social Media I chose to focus on online social networks.

I invested heavily with the French leader Viadéo (45 million members), the English Linkedin, Spoke the U.S. (since bought) and German XING.


Always with the aim of enabling people to meet, to support others without judgment and to build in this spirit that a strong relationship is the goal of social networks are online or offline.

Community management has in common is that they evoke and value others, be it a business, a talented actor, a player of Rugby, a product or service.

It all boils down to the principle of 'know' that no can do.


Another reason more hardly blameless in the principle of social openness.

Profiles and communities on social networks reflect a diversity more representative of France and the cosmopolitan world of today that some circles have now become 'politically inbred' or is no longer identified.


We find this problem in our inability to combine populations with an inconsistent urban policy and the inability of governments to avoid discrepancies, Neuilly / Argenteuil '.

Social networks show us a brighter future cohabitation.

Just as each building construction should ideally offer both the penthouse and social housing available, will there be toward elitist social networking mirrors this social fragmentation?

The high-end ASmallWord collapses there when the success of last Afterwork XING provides a glimpse of networking evenings are open to all.


Finally, as a journalist, the primary mission of community management is to:

1 - Bring issues to the attention of all,

2 - Choose a smooth transition to both the timing right, the right terms and the best support as an image or video using the best tool online

3 - Select the social networks, blog or websites that are best suited depending on the chosen target or the audience.

4 - Develop the tools to listen to the sound of the net, monitoring the spread, alert, and then exchange for his actions, quantify, analyze.

An exciting profession increasingly computerized.

2 - Why go on Social Media when you're a small business? What are your three key arguments.

- The first element, the image of the Maslow pyramid, there would be online and become visible to his skills.

I often quote the example of the lottery or 100% of those who participated won.

- The second point would be to use these digital spaces to seek business opportunities or recruiting skills.

In the thirties, Andy Warhol predicted everyone his fifteen minutes of fame, he was far from imagining that these minutes online with social networks would become years.

- The third element is so simple that we forget the fundamentals that have forged the success of social networks: they cost nothing in terms of rewards for your presence for SMEs.

With flat as the allegory of the earthen pot against the iron pot, the small groups facing the giants: each has 'in principle' the same ability to make himself visible, available, essential and discuss issues online prescribers business.


3-What answer you to companies who are skeptical about Social Media?

It is understandable skepticism when 78% of them hold facebook pages with only 14% of pilots on board.

The main reason is the lack of information and perspective on the benefits from these networks, what we call in our jargon as the ROI (Return of Interest / Return on Investment).

There is also a lack of historical encrypted and validated in this matter and the powerlessness of human resource skills needed to qualify to fulfill this mission on a subject often wrongly positioned as belonging to the department CIO (Chief Information Officer) .

The fear of opening internally Pandora's box by allowing unlimited use of the internet, allowing employees to surf Youtube and facebook often hinders the establishment of a digital strategy.

Not to mention the problem of equipment and especially not knowing the legal control linked to the online presence of the company.

Difficult for a company not to think about today, back then is rarely possible, you need to know is that we can not prohibit an employee to go on social networks with its iPhone or Android (smartphone).

It would be better to authorize, supervise, train and support staff ...

The mobile draw our future: the mobile users (people going on the internet from their mobile phone) clearly represents the new economic challenge.

He who would not have understood the need to protect themselves, anticipate, develop its internet presence through social networks starts medium-term risk both in terms of image and evolution.

E-commerce is growing fast. Services marketing and corporate communications should no longer solicit users to visit their website once they have understood that it was wiser to take their bags and position themselves in the social spaces and their target customers are just present.

Go for the online consumer to talk to him to take the necessary social networks very seriously and making the transition from digital.

Since 2009 everyone has finally understood, it is better to be accompanied in this innovative approach.

Today a group like ReaClic offer specific training, provide advice, organize your ecosystem of social networks in connection with your website and creating your editorial custom not to mention intelligence tools.

Just created, we have small and large SME customers, come without taking the phone, simply by the play of visibility on LinkedIn, Viadeo, and XING, hard to believe we are already an eight emerging structure to meet these solicitations.


4-What is the schedule of a typical day and what tools do you use for your work?

It is for everyone to take the pace ...

That said I can hardly understand a community does not scan at the outset for breakfast on his mobile mail messages, social networks or the latest news of his Twitter feed as one listens to the radio stay informed.

A community manager does not pass his whole day to relay information.

It is necessary to train, learn, take the pulse of developments, to enrich themselves with others.

In hindsight I would say that

- 30% of the time allotted to learn, read, locate, scan the news,

- 20% of time is to put items online quickly picked first on Twitter, then more calmly with a beautiful photo with text selected on Facebook

- The remaining 50% are used to meet the community, exchange, meet real way other stakeholders, attend conferences with other often more educated on a specific topic.

Far from Taylorism, in our approach ReaClic promotes the welfare of the community manager to get it out, listen to the customer and not only spend his life in front of his screen.

The needs of virtual reality to exist ... We are of course very likely to continue our work with a sandwich at 14:00 Deezer connected to forget the repetitive nature of certain tasks.

Ideally a Pro Community Manager must work with two computers / screens (sometimes three!) Due to the slowness of some areas such as business social network Viadeo victim of its success, to edit video / screencast in parallel with its community activity management ...

If you have a little time in the evening (and that you are passionate about the Web), I suggest you read the excellent biography of Steve Jobs (17 €).


Or the last book of the EBG. Net "Internet Marketing 2012" (60 €) to study the case of prevention or badbuzz online reputation.


I returned from the formula 'all automated' proposed by some services like Seesmic.

Answering a need for a fan page for corporate use his own personal page.

Given the number of automatic messages of thanks, it is better to stand out and emphasize the personal basis with the first name and a targeted message can not be reproduced ad infinitum.

High fashion takes more time but allows you to provide a service deemed optimal by the customer.

Concerning the proper tools "community manager" I advise you:

- Linkedin, Xing and Viadeo for professional social networks.

- Google +, So.cl (still latest beta version of Microsoft) and facebook for social networking Home / Pic

- Video for Youtube, Flickr and Pinterest for images,

- Twitter to send the message,

- A network of blogs for relaying information.



5 - What is the operation or action of Community Management you have done and which you are most proud of?

It was October 2008 when the Chief of Hugo Chavez had agreed to receive Nicolas Sarkozy about imprisonment by the FARC Ingrid Bettancourt whose portrait sat on the front of Notre Dame de Paris.

At the time her sister Astrid had asked me when I was Director of Global Equities Europe and full of turmoil in the subprime crisis.

Astrid I was approached by a mutual friend on the social network Linkedin and asked for a Tuesday night at 22:00 to set up a communication on social networks and blogs to attract 6,000 people through social networks to fill the Zenith where thirty artists would occur on Sunday, five days after his request!

I was happily supported by the organization Info Libertad and we finally gathered 1,700 participants this winter evening, through our many online communications, emails sent to the leaders of the TV channel and in support of journalist Florence Kieffer (whom I met for the program "Social Networks" in Forbidden Zone in 2006).

Thanks to Florence, we have had visibility in newspapers this weekend on France 2 and information about the concert for Ingrid.


6-What mistakes should we ever make as a good community manager? / How to manage a community?

We must never let go or react to hot, take a step back and discuss the issue if it presents to others.

It should respond quickly, make yourself available and do not ignore the messages.

The priority of a community manager is to keep his cool and being proactive in an area still at the age of the Wild West.

We must learn to forget his ego to make others well before and it's difficult because often the community manager 'geek' are above all bloggers or representative of communities that have proven themselves.

Often we are asked to replicate their success for the company they represent.

Avoid posting ten messages on a Monday and other days nothing.

Some systems allow you to post these messages to be sent automatically at the appointed time on the day chosen but what about during a change of tone in the news.

The community manager must love his job otherwise it would last long.

Must be available and open, do evangelism and not confine himself to cover.

It is often thought erroneously that some would take your place in the world of work, it is also necessary that they have wanted to spend more than twelve hours per day of screen time in this digital environment.

The biggest mistake would be as I have unfortunately seen to use their own personal space for the company we represent, the latter being destitute when unexpected departure of the community manager.

We do not give water to a donkey no longer thirsty: to take his time to explain your internal motivations and interests of your action is also part of the job in a new era of digital communication.

In other words, you must return the keys from the beginning, such as passwords and explicit rules and taking care to train someone in-house so that work does not stop if you had an impediment.

Training your immediate surroundings of the workplace and a monthly newsletter of the company's digital presence you will support a healthy business belonging to intangible capital, which means that if the financial problem of the structure, you as would the costs.

The e-reputation and image online elements are difficult to quantify. In certain groups or COMEX (direction) is not far from it, to Generation Y, it may take more than a year of evangelization of your business and its contributions.


7 - How does a community manager can work his personal branding? What good can it be used in Pro (Networking) / Character (work ...)?

A community manager should continue its work image as the company for many reasons.

In the case of a recruitment approach on an online network, we can use their personal profile to make the request of the company less visible.

I recommend openly display your family name on the company profile and your role.

Know that a 'professional' be behind the screen instead of an intern can support the company image and confirm his willingness to take that turn digital source of motivation for those who wish to integrate company.

As' Tarpeian rock is close to the capitol, we must remain cautious, moderate, and not to cross certain red lines on subjects like politics and religion and above all respect the contrary views.

In summary, your image can accelerate the company as his prejudice.

It is up to community manager to be responsible for his writings onto his own personal spaces.

In this spirit, the Twitter pages I run displays the link to my own personal twitter page @ LouisSerge and I post on my Facebook page as if twenty million people could read the publication, which is far from true.

The maturity of the business grows more successful, because of image.

It is also possible to share personal and professional publications.

Personal Branding 16 Steps


8 - Will you give me five tips and tricks you use Facebook?

- The visual is important, just send an article with the link as it is less interest than choosing a catchy title and a chart summarizing the article.

A beautiful visual is often 'like' without the user to read the post underneath. That's why the picture is often a photomontage of our creation.

Facebook's latest acquisition allows us to understand the strategic importance of images as vehicles of communication on social networks.

- Support partnerships increases the interest of the company page, this is why we chose to publish the tab Jobs4Me 'on the Facebook page of the ebs Paris, it allows innovative students carry their mail to respond to offers of specific courses.

- Personally thank every fan. This helps to better understand their community and understand the appeal of these users based on its editorial line.

- Choose a modern logo as we did for the Group and GINGER ebs Paris, this is consistent with the old logo and visual identity and allows a line chart with the modernity of these new online spaces. The Digital logo chosen not supplanted the former always used in the business. The two live together with marvel.

- Create an editorial generate interest from beyond the enterprise. This principle remains the best initiative that we have taken in the case of BSE.

Other colleges have the annoying tendency to speak only of them on their dedicated pages, it does them a disservice to glean followers or fans beyond students or alumni ...


9 - Do what you can give me five tips and tricks on Twitter?

- Use bit.ly to reduce the tracker url to its readers and not Goo.gl which the bond is broken beyond 8000 visitors because of the analysis by Google as a spammer.

- Out of respect, do not hesitate to enhance the nester information and avoid beginner SLR recovery to his account of an article or information useful to your followers.

- Set targets for the company we represent and track competition, taking care to identify their source of information about twitter, often corresponding to the first 'FOLLOWING' offending accounts.

- Position the address corporate Twitter instead of the fax line on the business cards of all employees of the group.

- Complete your strong contacts (direct contact) with the acquisition of weak ties (contacts of second level) and not a target détwitter as do all Americans eager for a return in terms of follow-up to remember the human behind this system.


10 - Do what you can give me five tips and tricks to create value-added content in a blog?

Choose some recurring themes that will carry the blog from year to year.

For example, my little blog ranked by Topblog Overblog full of eclectic topics such as Friday the 13th, there will be three this leap year, but the subject always comes back and better provided an article that promotes the Wikipedia SEO by the play of words key.

Do not hesitate to use his own blog to promote the enterprise of which it is responsible for community management.


11 - In addition to Twitter & Facebook Social what tools you are using?

A community manager should always be on standby to detect new networks and the growing availability of new tools (eg the explosion of Pinterest).

Again defend the reputation of a company requires to be present on the offending area in case of attack.


12 - Do you can me your tips and tricks to drive traffic to a blog?

Considered in terms of amateur experience of my partners in this segment, I would say personally that the exchange for visibility and partnership are very effective on the model of what we had done for EasyBourse in 2005.

At resale site EasyBourse to The Post Bank in 2008, my blog reached 15,000 page views per day, score not seen him since, an article posted online and distributed to partners such as financial sites Café de La Bourse, Marc Touati ACDEFI , CFOnews become Finews and of course managed to EasyBourse a potential two million readers.

I have always refused to put banners to collect three euros in six. The blog is a place to post online is a business site could publish on his own.

This allows to move forward and learn how to use social networks via keywords.

This skill is now often required during a job interview for a community manager.


13 - How to approach a blogger and encourage them to talk about an event or action to speak of?

The answer is in the question, has an existing relationship with him.

It is the strength of social networks where you have worked your relationship long time.

A blogger like we respect the value of copyright and I remember a blogger and researcher at the CNRS who had thanked him for asking permission to quote his statements before publishing.


14 - What are your tips & tricks to gain visibility on the Web when you do not (initially) or a network of contacts?

Set a Google Alert on keywords for your business and post messages on the sites found for this search automatically taking care not to speak to say nothing and make the exchange meaningful and respectful of the elements vis-à-vis its author.

This is why the IBM Group I was twice invited to lunch to understand how I could be a few months in the Golden Triangle and visible on Google about IBM solutions for enterprise social networking.


15 - How do you see the evolution in two years of being a community manager?

Recognition, enhancement, sharing, professionalism, access to high level training and specific as the teaching of community management that we practice at EBS Paris for two years already.

In a few years of a Community Manager Digital Agency will be in correspondence with the advertiser's community manager with the company culture but anxious to be supported and maintain freshness in a universe in constant technical evolution.


16 - Are you for writing, writing ... are important for a CM? What tips / mistakes you could mention?

Some job advertisements are mentions of writing skills needed and rightly so.

You must love the words and the organization of semantics assumes a perfect command of language.

At the coming of the Nicolas Hulot ebs Paris, charged with Twitter live in two languages, the difficulty lies in those 140 signs forcing spins and immediacy making the exercise very difficult for someone whose English n is not the mother tongue.

Therefore the arrival in May of a trilingual community manager at ReaClic controlling both the oral and written.

The Dutch and the Swiss have the advantage of multilingualism. The passion for writing can relieve stress naturally and if the community manager is golf, its concentration will be also very useful for writing open plan.


12 - Do you think that a company has to delegate content creation or internalize ... or both? If so in what circumstances?

Favors a small business training to take care of itself until the day when it punishes its core business and its turnover allows him to delegate this work.

The best approach would be to issue two:

- The CM of the company on very specific issues

- The CM Digital communications agency.

During crisis scenarios, the CM in outsourcing is found very alone and helpless because time is against him. It will not necessarily have the correct codes for reactivity know where to turn within the company.


13 - How do you to find content to Facebook, Twitter, Blogs ...?

Via automatic search for keywords, and the establishment of a day with the help of the company.

The problem lies not in the number of information but in Keynes's theory is widely used in finance or are being explained in the choice of an investor in shares (equities) that the large n is not the girl you choose but the girl that all the players choose.

This notable difference that explains your editorial choices form the cornerstone of success and fan pages that should be on high alert to interpret and anticipate the wishes of your reading public.

Indeed, unlike the great Steve Jobs who invented and created the need that the public had not yet identified, a focused editorial product too and forget the human can be disastrous for the development of corporate image .

A community manager must be creative.


14 - What do you think of the Curation? When do you use and when advised not you?


The technique used to select, filter, organize, comment and share links manually without automation will remain in my humble opinion the prerogative of the community manager.

The "content curator", a mixture of computer journalist blogger, defined as such in the United States becomes more about him putting a computer scientist's technology for the pooling and automation to increase the profitability of a group communication.

If an agency CM is handicraft with ten, it will find its limits in the simple calculation of adding up the number of hours of his hundred fingers available.

After two years, I now work with three screens simultaneously tired to open firefox and internet explorer window with fifteen on one screen.

The craftsmanship on this new business gives way to an attorney who has not yet reached its extreme limits which we will then return to human and journalism of yesteryear as the quantitative management model has brought but his stone supplant good portfolio manager.

Limit orders that triggered the stock market alone will their lack of volume similar 'bad buzz' in excess of automation of social networks.

It also falls today in a more humane management of terminal handling phone calls outsourced.

The content of websites


15 - To build your network "Pro" Physics, do you frequent the evenings (if yes why: EBG, Web Connect, BMI, Café community managers ...)?

After a quarter century for four nights a week out in Circle and clubs, I go into my shell and show that for conferences or listen to a specific speaker.

The phone and social networking professionals can stay in touch.

Whoever wants to establish its relationship should obviously go out and the answer belongs to each according to his sensitivity, his approach and ambitions of others.

I can only recommend you get out of this internet bubble for exchange although it is also costly and time consuming.


16 - What are the differences for you between Twitter and Facebook? Do you have a differential treatment between these two media?

Twitter relays information with immediacy but does not allow the feature article when the subject is not already pre-written on a space of your own (eg a blog).

In the ecosystem in place in ReaClic strategy, we favor the use of Twitter to Facebook and send information to the relay with a narrative optimal.

Twitter plays a role in securing international news, and targeted journalistiquesmais it still lacks maturity in France.

Facebook is primarily a dedicated pool of contacts to transmit accurate information.


17 - Like do you do to not "eat too much" time with Social Media?

Difficult to answer precisely when the private mixes with the public, the staff mixes with professional passion that joins the pleasure of work well done as a team and that his job requires constant monitoring to be in front of a terminal, iphone or iphone.

I think soon I graft a digital headset; D

However with online answers from 05:00 until 00:00, this allows us to ReaClic positioning in category 'high fashion' as opposed to automation and qualified by certain niche.

And who knows? Perhaps a favorable factor in terms of growth opportunities when you know that the community managers within the company are often the subject of online reputation attacks in the night and on weekends.


18 - How do you do to create value-added content / virus?

Our secret lies in the pooling of general value-added content, a real time saver for all of our customers.

A company should also avoid narcissism and its competitors be evoked in some way and in a precise timing.

The European Business School has well understood and gleans fans every day by his openness, team spirit and its numerical behavior.

The facebook page of ebs Paris has put online an article on valuing HEC.

I doubt that some schools in other mention of their own space.

The virus is a consequence of an editorial proven and measurable result of the wealth of a constant work of listening, sharing and quick responses.

Meet the author of a post, the source of an article and make travel a part of the Information Network Behaviour taught by our group in digital identity management.


19 - What are your tricks and tips to encourage your community to share your content?

Far from something, the result strengthens the demonstration that you give more immediately, more community takes you.

Everyone wants that everyone loves you, but nobody loves everyone.

On social networking online, be yourself and help others contacts.

The memory is eternal on the net for the support you have given in the past.

Do not do it by calculation but by reflex for a better future.

The crisis has strengthened the ties of solidarity and users increases, it is the only way to succeed with the other and not against others.

In detail on Viadeo did not let the machine answer it for you a message known to all and tasteless, take over with a response in a personal capacity, as you thank the fans one by one on Facebook.

Opt for the editorial quality and not quantity and buy contacts know what your own contacts know to do is the very principle of cross-saddle now more commonly called networking.


20 - How do you return to a community on Facebook, Twitter ... (promos, ...)?

I put a wildcard in the time necessary to answer this issue onto the agenda and respond simply that the goals should not only be quantitative as the number of purchase or click on a product but in a qualitative and not truncated.

When a clothing line combines ten million fans with a page far from reaching its rate of oversharing in terms of publication and that this results from online competition where it is well known that many are followers against their will, we prefer authenticity, and the construction of an online ethics or the base will build a beautiful statue.

Today the method of acquiring a number of fans and money is like the year 1980 or some fancy agency will even create fake profiles.

Just take a look at the aberration of fictitious accounts of followers on Twitter candidates to understand that this behavior will not be sustainable.

We are certainly on the eve of a new financial bubble on the Internet and a concentration of actors but what follows online behavior confirms a need for exchange of Internet facing sites and companies with less less passive and authenticity away from the fad.

The era of Web3.0 takes over to humanize our relationship with objects.


21 - If you had € 1,000 for a Start Up to know, what would be your only marketing plan using Social Media?

I will use ReaClic a month because more than money, there is passion, we have become specialists in what they call the U.S. for the SNS Social Network Strategy.

This requires a lot of altruism and self-denial and the results are exemplary and we will always remind us of where we come from and who helped us in this construction: our hundreds of thousands of contacts on social networking professionals.

A startup needs help and we would be present if a new start-ups knock on our door.

We are committed to an obligation of means, no result, certain products or services like more than others and we could not be held liable.


22 - What are your benefits & rates in ReaClic?


It is difficult to answer a question that would have as many answers as case presented.

We have an adjustable rate according

- The size of the company,

- Effective digital presence,

- The time allowed,

- The proposed strategy,

- The countries concerned

- The number of employees

- ...

Each company has different needs.

We offer training to social networks for business and have an amphitheater for this latest 220-seat giant screen and several training rooms for smaller groups together.

We can draft a charter of custom social networks, organize its implementation within the company and organize online training via the intranet modules with lighting and provision of a hotline.

We put up a watch and enjoy the sounds of the net and organize the entire ecosystem of the client.

We also have a solution for conversation for a commercial site with the establishment of a tab and the ability to provide service information exchange facilitated by the creation of this small module discreet but highly effective.

The menu offered a group of e-reputation is vast and pricing commensurate achievements.

We value our expertise across a full range of "community management" in several languages ​​and on social networks according to international and local business needs.

We also connect with a community of bloggers known for their theme.

However when I see some abuse to 12,000 euros for a week of training, we favor a reasonable rate that fluctuates naturally based on the number of participants with one of the modules is similar to a type formula for executive coaching search Job.

Our certification training in partnership with the EBS Paris allows us to meet the demands of a large number of companies, from small groups of several thousand employees.


For more information, visit www.Reaclic.com

Une belle interview d'expert sur le Community Management et les offres de ReaClic! http://www.conseilsmarketing.com/emailing/interview-de-community-manager-louis-serge-real-del-sarte




Déjà 300 capitaines d'industrie inscrits



le plus en vue de Paris

demain soir au Concorde Lafayette:




Chers amis,


          Vous étiez très nombreux début février. Le contexte semble propice au networking. Venez fêter cette deuxième rencontre de l’année au CONCORDE LAFAYETTE, un nouveau cadre mis à notre disposition par Franck Sohier dans une ambiance zen avec piano bar. Attention la place limitée et les deux systèmes de réservation feront le plein comme en février.


          Lors de ce cocktail, vous pourrez échanger entre vous, les ambassadeurs de votre équipe Paris seront heureux de vous appuyer et vous présenter aux nouveaux membres dans une ambiance conviviale pour vous permettre de passer ensemble un bon moment lors de ce nouveau cocktail XING.


          Comme d'habitude, une participation de 20 euros vous sera demandée vous donnant droit à une boisson. Un badge vous sera remis à l'entrée, n'oubliez pas vos cartes de visite. Pratique: un tableau sera installé dès l'entrée pour vous permettre de visualiser les personnes déjà présentes et d'y accrocher la vôtre. Merci de confirmer votre présence en cliquant sur le lien "Participer à l’événement"


Cette soirée mensuelle aura donc bien lieu :


Mardi 3 Avril 2012 de 18h45 à 22h00.


Vous pouvez m'envoyer un mail d'inscription

à [email protected] 

nous sommes déjà 75 inscrits



Place de la Porte Maillot,

à côté du Palais des Congrès,

75017, Paris FRANCE


ATTENTION : Une participation de 20 euros vous sera demandée à l’entrée par nos trois hôtesses Marion, Mélanie et Chin comprenant une seule consommation offerte. Le vestiaire ne sera pas surveillé. Cependant il est utile de préciser que les consommations suivantes seront à la charge de chacun, un prix spécial très raisonnable a été accordé par le Concorde Lafayette pour vous permettre de passer une excellente soirée.


Sébastien Rabine, modérateur du Groupe XING et notre photographe Serge VERGLAS, seront également présent pour dynamiser avec plaisir et immortaliser cet évènement XING sur notre ville de lumière.


Louis-Serge Real del Sarte

En fin de mission pour GINGER comme Directeur des Réseaux Sociaux, Responsable de la communication Web de l'EBS Paris, Professeur de Marketing Digital et Consultant en Réseaux Sociaux.





Après 1 an pour mettre en place

la stratégie digitale du Groupe GINGER,

je serai disponible dès juin prochain

pour relever un nouveau

challenge numérique




  • ReaClic
  • Community Manager
  • Homme
  • 07/05/1962
  • réseaux sociaux network networker branding réseaux sociaux professionnels
  • CV Digital: http://www.louis-serge-real-del-sarte.com/ Consultant en Réseaux Sociaux d'Entreprise Octobre 2009 à Janvier 2010: rédaction d'un ouvrage sur 'Les Réseaux Sociaux en ligne sur Internet' aux éditions Alphée distribué au premier


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