Texte Libre
Many people fail in life not for lack of ability or brains or even courage but simply because they have never organized their energies around a goal.
Many people fail in life not for lack of ability or brains or even courage but simply because they have never organized their energies around a goal.
Google revises
its privacy policy?!?
Google will review the terms and conditions of service and privacy policy, designed to provide research and more personalized advertisements. Internet users will have to accept this charter, which will come into force on 1 March, to continue using their accounts. The group will now consolidate information from multiple services (Mail, Maps) and thus have a global vision of the users.
"Maybe can we tell you that you will be late for an appointment, taking into account your location, your calendar or traffic conditions" or "guess what you really think when you type + apple +, + jaguar + or + + pink, "said Google, which closed in late 2011 on Google Buzz, much criticized by libertarians.
Digital revolution
and public health schools:
After three months of debate, the new Minister of Education generalizes the Iphone in the next school year in September 2014. Aspects more than the cost of reduced or teaching the arguments on the lighter weight of the binder have been successful. The average was from 8.5 to 3.2 kg light weight of 680 grams of the Iphone.
Apple launched the textbook iPad in January 2012 with its digital library available on the iPad textbooks. With textbooks 2 iBooks, the company intended to compete with Amazon on this market, that he courted since 2009 with its large format Kindle DX reading light.
The manuals have since proven their dynamics and agreements with all the houses of education of school books could be found. These textbooks read online in full screen and include interactive animations, diagrams, photos and videos. When the group included Apple in late 2011 to capture 95% market share of digital textbooks, leaving only 5% at Amazon, he never imagined winning the entire school market.
A social network
from 3 years
with the youth Tfou.fr site!
Tfou.fr changes and develops community functions, which will be "everywhere" on the site, according to Shawn Malhoney responsible for the supply digital youth. Children from 3 years to interact and form themselves into "tribes", as those of "Love: fans of romance and blue flowers' and 'mov': fans of dance, glam, fashion and rhinestones," says the statement. Another innovation is the "gamification," which reward points and colored children with gifts, watched videos or played on the site. It aims to retain the hearing.
From Strategies.fr
Always walk this morning
after my purchase on Friday
with 50% discount of a vehicle
in the latest Swedish Giant.
Advertising on Internet:
this is a historic turning point!
INTERNET: Online advertising prances in front and in 2012 will exceed advertising in the press in the United States. This is a historic turning point that explains Le Figaro for the media. The increase in the market for e-Pub is estimated to be +23.3% for 2012 in the United States. This would correspond to almost 30 billion euros, or $ 40 billion in a global market of 170 billion.
Investissez dans l’avenir de nos élèves
et devenez partenaire de leur école !
L’EBS est une école Européenne de Management International post-bac reconnue par l’Etat, elle délivre un diplôme visé bac + 5 / Grade de Master. L’EBS est une
association régie par la loi de 1901, dont le fonctionnement, les programmes et l’excellence sont financés par les droits de scolarité de ses élèves et par la taxe d’apprentissage versée par les
La taxe d’apprentissage est un impôt obligatoire versé par les entreprises aux écoles de leur choix chaque année avant le 29 février 2012 : il permet de garantir
les investissements pédagogiques nécessaires et assurer le développement de l’école.
Ces efforts ont porté leurs fruits :
- l’excellence académique de notre formation a été reconnue par le Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche qui nous a donné l’autorisation de
délivrer le Grade de Master à nos diplômés depuis 2010
- le taux de placement de nos jeunes diplômés s’est maintenu malgré la crise
- nous avons pu agrandir notre campus
- les équipes se sont renforcées
- les programmes se sont diversifiés offrant un choix de 9 masters en 5ème année
- nos chercheurs se sont fait remarquer par leurs nombreuses publications et leurs participations actives aux colloques internationaux.
Nos projets sont nombreux. Ils concernent notamment la mise en place d’un campus numérique, le développement de nouveaux programmes et de nouveaux accords de
doubles diplômes.
Nous vous remercions par avance de votre soutien, essentiel à notre développement.
L’avenir de l’EBS dépend de vous !